Friday, February 3, 2012

Clear signs of societal Identity crisis!

Today I realized that society has an identity crisis...................................

Please read the article below that was posted on The Spectrum for more information.

--Why Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari?

This article struck me a great way to set out on a non-scientific anthropological study, with the direction of studying the minor aspects of what forms the identities of humans. Sometimes it's something as minuscule as a hairstyle or a brand of clothing one may wear and sometimes its a tattoo that allows us to identify ourselves as being part of something and at the same time, it is a way to represent ourselves in a certain light. Therefore, any analyzation that is not in congruence with our individual notion on this minor matter at hand, is furthermore, taken as a direct assault towards our identity as well as our way of life. But should it, when the matter at hand is something so minuscule as let say, a tattoo?

Then, the journalist had to post a face saving reply to the absurd amount of hate mail and animosity that was sent her way.

The article is below is her reply to the negative commentary.

--The Day I Met The Internet

One can therefore, deduce that each individual has at their disposal tools. And these tools are necessary for discerning how we manage our lives and how we envision our lives to be. The tools of life can be used for the spread of happiness or love one may say. Conversly, these tools of life can be used to spread a sort of individualistic, arrogant, self loving identity that many of us possess. Is it that a hairstyle defines us or maybe a hand bag. Sometimes its even the way you walk that can be part of what defines you. It seems as though we choose consiousely on a certian way we walk, even if one has never consciously understood that. Do you hold you head high when you walk? Do you look down when you walk past someone, as if to set the stage for yourself and the foreigner, in that instance, as being in some identifiable state? Our tools are many and the way we use them are in need of help as a society. So even in the case of the Tattoo that we have seen, it seems as though something so minute can take up our identities as if they are a matter of life, love and the spread of the aforementioned.This is our individual identities that is at the forefront of this study. This is our lives that we have been given, and in that, we have to live with one another no matter if we like it or not. So finally, I have come to the conclusion that I will use the tools of life for the better of my identity that is in parallel with that of humanity as whole, and not for self service or arrogance! Because somethings just really haven't an ounce of substance, yet we weigh them more then that of love.

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